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07/30/18 07:34 AM #15    

Maurine Rapp (Zarek)

I was looking forward to this reunion for 3 years!  Unfortunately I will not be able to attend. I live in Delaware right now and we had planned and booked flights for our visit to New Mexico (where we are building our retirement home) and it is on the same weekend as the reunion.  Should there be a 55 year reunion, I’ll be there!  And a lot closer!  Please post pictures!

08/01/18 08:25 AM #16    


Jo Anne Tolman (Barlow)

Sorry I won't make it to the reunion.  My husband and I are serving a mission in Nauvoo, Illinois and will not be returning home until the end of September.  Maybe next time we'll be able to come.  Thanks to those who have contacted me about the reunion.

JoAnne Tolman Barlow

08/02/18 03:18 PM #17    

Shauna Marie Giacoma (Carl)

I am sorry I won't be able to attend this reunion. I enjoyed the last one and hope I'm still going strong for the next one.  We will be attending a family reunion with family we haven't seen for a long time.  Have a great time!

08/03/18 04:49 PM #18    

Carolyn Marie McFarland (Ford)

 My 28 fabulous grandchildren. unfortunately my oldest son Adam was in New York at the time this picture was taken.

08/03/18 05:13 PM #19    

Kristen Welling (Beckstead)

The registration deadline is TODAY, AUGUST 3.  If you want to come, you still can, if you notify us today with the particulars per the registration form and promise to pay the registration fee (even if you change your plans and do not come-we pay the caterer today with the count we give today). The deadline is necessarily set by the caterer, not us. We can add you to the dinner/drink numbers we submit to the caterer TODAY, if you promise to pay at or before the event and call or email your registration TODAY. 
Scan or take a photo of your registration form (both sides, please) and email it to, or call Doug  801 349-8597 or Ron 801-487-6320 or 801-599-3970  with #s and names.
Mail in your check to Doug Mortensen at 2174 East Melinda Lane, Salt Lake City UT 84109.
If your registration is in the mail and you're not sure if it made it in time, call and make sure we have you in the count, too, please.  

To the tune of “YESTERDAY” by the Beatles

Lyrics transformed and updated by Steve Rich 


Fifty years,

Now the time for our reunion nears,

When we greet old friends with smiles and tears,

Can you believe it’s fifty years?


Suddenly, I find I’m immersed in memory,

Of our youth and how things used to be,

In light of our maturity.


We’ll talk fam’lies or reminisce,

But who can say?

Man! It’s been so long!

I remember yesterday….


Football days!

We’d break bones now, if we tried to play.

And our knees won’t take it anyway.

We all were heroes, yesterday.


Come and see,

All your classmates as they’ve come to be.

How we spent our bright futurity.

We all grew up, eventually.


We get wise and kind with perspective,

So they say.

Don’t pass this one up!

August 12th, it’s yesterday!

ACT TODAY-Call or Email-Don't Pass This One Up! 
Today is August 3!

08/03/18 05:40 PM #20    

Julie Anderson

Sorry, will not be able to attend the 50th.  Will miss seeing you all.  Contact me at



Love & best wishes to all,  Julie Anderson

08/05/18 12:15 PM #21    


Linda Fay Breckenridge (Blackwell)

I'd like to give all former orchestra/band members one last reminder of our get-together on Friday,

August 10th at 4pm at the main venue, The Garden Place.  We will have pictures from our old yearbooks,

our '68 recording for listening memories and live music!  So far there are 12 of us committed to attend.

We would love to visit with everyone who was in the orchestra/band during any of our three years.

Let's remind each other how really cool we were in high school!

Jane, Bill, KayLee and Linda

08/06/18 08:07 PM #22    

Ric B. Olsen (Olsen)

I  will be there with  bells on my toes.......what key you want  them in??

08/10/18 04:00 PM #23    

Kristen Welling (Beckstead)

Message from Gaynell Houston Hoskins -(posted for her by Kristen and sent to Jane )


Ok ... I’m guilty of waiting till the last minute.  50 years ago I was Gaynell Houston.   I am now “Nellie” Hoskins.  I also answer to Honey, Nana and OLD WOMAN ... 4 children,  10 grandchildren with a new little one due in October that will make me a great grandma.  We are very blessed.   Health issues are keeping me from attending the reunion.  Home is now Spring Hill, Florida ...  my heart is full of memories of being part of “The Class of 1968."

08/11/18 09:16 AM #24    


Susan Irene Porter (Beckstead)

 Greetings from San Francisco, so sorry I am unable to attend this wonderful reunion. Met with some of the committee members in the spring and know how much time they have put into planning this event. Bravo to them. My busy schedule did not allow for me to get away this weekend☹️☹️ Feel free to contact me at or “Friend me” on Facebook.

I have a lovely studio that I rent out at East High discount prices. My 1880 Victorian is in the heart of the city, be a fun way to see you and reconnect.  I just updated my profile, pictures of the house are there.

Enjoy and go Leopards.


08/12/18 10:01 AM #25    

Frances Clark (Garrett)

I too am stunned that these 50 years that have past - unbelievable! I wish I could be there to see everyone and share memories, as well as news of our lives. I have been in New York City for 15 years with husband Don, a professor at NYU. I am an "art-educator" at two fabulous museums here.

We are thrilled to welcome our first grandchildren this year (we are slower underachiever - some of you have great-grandchildren!)

Greetings to all, Frances Clark Garrett


08/12/18 05:00 PM #26    


Sylvia Mirjam Winterfeld

Thank you to the organizers  for making the Class of '68 Reunion so perfect. Made me realize that those were amoung the best 3 years of my life. I am  proud to have had the privilege of attending East High and knowing so many bright and talented people. Even now when I look through the Eastonian I am amazed at the level of accomplishment. Thank you all for lifting me up with you.




08/13/18 07:44 AM #27    

Mirjam Elizabeth Visser (Duffin)

What a wonderful and memorable reunion.  Thanks to all for their hard work to make it a success!

I was unable to attend any of the Saturday events, and feel I missed an opportunity to spend more time with all my classmates.  What a thrill it was to see old friends, and to make new friends.

My husbands alma mater called it quits after their 50th reunion, but I'm glad there is already talk of a 55th for us Leopards.

Thanks again to all that helped make this such an enjoyable reunion.

08/13/18 01:39 PM #28    

Nancy Spencer (Woodbury)

Thanks to everyone who worked so hard to make our 50th reunion a success! I was sad to miss Friday night, but glad I could at least be there Saturday. It was wonderful to see so many of you who are such a part of my life and who I am, knowing that those friendships last and we are there for each other. I hope everyone will continue to keep in touch. God bless you all.

07/21/19 06:38 PM #29    

Kristen Welling (Beckstead)



To My East High Class Mates,

Wasn’t the reunion AMAZING!!!!!!
Thank you Kristen and Jane for holding us together,
And for all of your hard work into the wee hours of the morning.
Thank you Gracie and Dave (husband), Doug and Vicki, Roger
Ron, Linda Crandall Harrison, John Hess, Kathy McDonald Sheen, Bob Sperling
I’m sure there are more that I have not named but just know how
Much you mean to all of us. We were the recipients of all your hard
Thank you Steve Rich and Van Gessel for still being clever and sharing your
You are all wonderful and I wanted you to know how GREAT and AMAZING it was!!!


PS Sorry this was lost in space, Debbie, or at least in the space between my ears.  (Kristen)


09/04/19 02:27 PM #30    

Kristen Welling (Beckstead)

From Terry Simmons: (posted by Kristen)

I have now officially retired and put my calculators up. No more programming, administrating or defending computers or networks for me ever again. I love it.

Congratulations, Terry!!!  Yes !!!

12/24/19 04:44 PM #31    

Ric B. Olsen (Olsen)


Thank you for saving our world, in more than one occasion and way.  Enjoy  retirement and keep twice as busy doing what YOU want.  You earned it.  I tried retirement.  All it did was put 100 unwanted  pounds and a quantity discount  at the  medical  center.  It was really great to see you at the 50th Reunion.  Let's all work on making  get-togethers more often than  that.

12/25/19 10:39 PM #32    

Shirley Jean Howell (Foerster)


Watch out with putting you accounting "stuff" away. My husband Gert, retired after 46 years as a C.P.A. and he's as busy as he used to be. We have all these family members (kids, grandkids) etc.that still need help!  Of course, fewer deadlines. Just make sure you retire to something not just from something.

                                                                    Shirley Howell Foerster

12/25/19 10:44 PM #33    

Shirley Jean Howell (Foerster)

Hey Ric,

Merry Christmasto you and yours. We hope all your medical issues are resolved soon.  We have had a few of our own but they're minor. I guess that what comes with getting old-er.

Shirley Foerster



12/25/19 10:52 PM #34    

Shirley Jean Howell (Foerster)

Hey East High Class of "68,

I'm glad I uncovered this message forum so I can wish all of you Merry Christmas and the best year ever in 2020.  I missed the BIG Reunion due to illness and I think I still owe Doug Mortonsen some money but the mail keeps coming back saying there is NO SUCH ADDRESS. The house they kept sending it to wrote a nasty note to the post office. If anyone reads this who needs my 2 year old check, let me know.

Shirley Foerster

12/26/19 12:53 PM #35    


Rebecca Sue Rowland (Hines)

Good advice on retirement Shirley Howell Foerster! I agree. Luckily I've had something to retire to so far.. Our family is small-ish but I hear you onhow tricky it can be to be as supportive as they need. We are still in the thick of it!

12/27/19 03:39 AM #36    

Ric B. Olsen (Olsen)

How I have  missed seeing and  being with  all of you  guys .  All of my recent dreams have centered around the east bench of slc about where East High is and was.  Sometimes they are high school themed, sometimes college themed.  Sometimes they are residential themed, but always oriented around the school area. Go figure.  Any psychologists or astroligists want to take a try! 

05/04/22 07:31 AM #37    

William B. Hansen

When I turned 70, I returned to my passion for composing music. Over the years, I've enjoyed playing my clarinet in wind quintets, so I turned my attention to composing one. When I was in junior high and high school, I did it using paper and pencil and the piano. Now I do it on the computer (musescore). Having now composed two quintets, I have been looking for a way to get them played. The pandemic shut down a lot of opportunities. However, several years ago I met a music professor from Utah State University, Nicholas Morrison. I met him at a chamber music workshop I attended in Chapel Hill, North Carolina. Because he teaches and therefore has access to students, I asked if he could arrange for a reading of the compositions. I had the occasion to come to Utah in April of this year (2022) and he graciously arranged for a quintet of students to play one of the quintets. Bruce Ashton and I went to visit and attend the session. In the photo, snapped by Bruce, are (left to right) Anna Johnson (flute), Hillary Swensen, (C clarinet, subbing for oboe), Nick Morrison, Cailin McGarry (bassoon),  me, Sarah Boyce (horn), and Sam Cooper (clarinet). Hearing my own composition performed was truly a highlight. As the pandemic finally passes, I look forward to more of this sort of thing. 


05/05/22 03:22 PM #38    

Stephen Warner (Warner)

Congratulations Bill. What a lovely gesture by Utah State and honor for you to have your quintet performed. I'm sure that was very satisfying to see your dream realized. Best wishes and continued success on your music composing career.

05/05/22 04:34 PM #39    

Mardy Jolley

Fantastic Bill. I'm glad to see those early morning musical sessions in your basement with Jim Rich & me paid off. 

I have always cherished the time we had together in the early days.

Job well done. 

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