Interactives of Interest


Bill Barrett does magic with people connections.  See Bill's extensive bio** below.  It is very interesting to read- (although he would warn you it could put you to sleep.)

We are absolutely LUCKY to have him offer to do some activities with us. 

If you are interested in participating, please follow his detailed instructions above.  You will need to enter the links as he has them written.

1) Create a free FamilySearch account, by entering your name and setting up a password. 

2) See that you are connected to your parents, then grandparents, then great grandparents.  if possible keep checking back another couple of generations. This will connect you through all sorts of records back through your ancestors-so we can find out how we as the Class of East High '68 connect. 

3) You may enter Relative Finder through Family Search.  Look at the bottom of the page for a box labeled Apps.  Click on this box and it will take you to optional apps to choose from.  Click on Reliative Finder and it will download the Relative application. 

4) Click on Groups and enter EastHigh68.  This program will automatically calculate if and how you are related to other members of our class who have signed in!!  Bill is willing to do other activities with us before we get together for our reunion-depending on your interest. 

**Our classmate, Bill Barrett has been a Professor of Computer Science at BYU where he has been Department Chair and Associate Chair. He is the co-founder of the Family History Technology Lab( and founder of the Family History Technology Workshop ( which was foundational to the creation of ROOTSTECH. He is also co-founder of the workshop on Historical Document Imaging and Processing (HIP). He works with the FamilySearch Advanced Technology Group, helping them with computerized handwriting recognition and other family history technologies. His research group is a world leader in computerized handwriting recognition. Bill also helped pioneer the field of Digital Angiography and has developed a variety of interactive segmentation tools, including Intelligent Scissors, adopted in Adobe Photoshop™ Magnetic Lasso.